2025 Gaudi Art Fair. Madrid. España.

2024 Exhibition at the RED DOT fair. Art Bassel Week Azur Gallery. Miami. USA.

2024 Gaudí Gallery: ART INC Art Fair, Bodensee, Austria

2024 Gaudí Gallery: Paris Exhibition – Porte de Versailles

2024 «ART EXPO» Fair, New York City, USA.

2024 Exhibition at Galeria Azur, New York City, USA

2023 Exhibition at Gaudi Gallery in Niza and Madrid.

2023 Exhibition at Gallery Azur Miami USA.

2023 Exhibition at the Red Dot Fair in the week of Art Basel with Galeria Azur. Miami USA

2023 Exhibition at Gaudi Gallery in Madrid and Niza.

2023 Exhibition at Azur Gallery in Miami

2022  Gaudí Gallery: ART GALLERY – Madrid.

2022  Gaudí Gallery: PARIS EXPO – Porte de Versailles.

2022  Azur Gallery – Madrid. Online Exhibition

2015, 2016 – “Retrospective Exhibition Delia Solari” Art Guión XXI- Gallery- Bs. As. Argentina.

2014 – “Geometric Abstraction” Art Guión XXI Gallery-Bs. As. Argentina

2013 – “Geometric Figuration”. Art Guión XXI Gallery- Bs. As. Argentina

2012 – “Renascence” en The Art Place Wynwood. Miami. USA. Art Basel Week

2011 “Abstractions” Art Guión XXI Gallery, Buenos Aires. Argentina

2010 – ART PLACE Gallery. Miami. U.S.A.

 – Art Basel Week. In A Coloured Thumb Gallery.

2009 ARTEXPO New York. Art-Exchange. U.S.A.

2008 ARTEXPO 2008 – New York Art-Guión XXI Gallery. U.S.A.

Dallas Total Home and Gift Show. Art-Exchange. U.S.A.

ARTEXPO Las Vegas. Art-Exchange. U.S.A.

2007 ARTV PEACE AWARDS, painting and sculpture exhibition, Las Vegas, U.S.A.

2007 Artexpo-New York. March. 1-5 Art Guión XXI Gallery. USA

2005 Hilda Solano Gallery, Colonia del Sacramento. Uruguay.

Rómulo Raggio Museum, Buenos Aires. Argentina.

2004 Art Hotel Gallery, Buenos Aires. Argentina.

1997 International Art Gallery “The Embassy “, Miami, Florida. U.S.A.

Atenea Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

1995 Atenea Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Alfredo Martínez Gallery, Miami, Florida, USA

1994 Atenea Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Elysium Gallery, New York, USA

1993 American Museum of Art, Maldonado, Uruguay

Atenea Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

1992 Atenea Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Bolsa de Comercio, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Aramayo Gallery, Montevideo, Uruguay

1991 Atenea Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Soudan Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1990 Retrospective Exhibition of Delia Solari’s Work. Period 1975-1990. Museo Didáctico Artigüista, Maldonado, Uruguay

International Art Gallery “The Embassy”, Miami, Florida, USA

Galerie ‘Jensen’ “Constructivisme Lyrique”, Hamburg, Deutschland

Galerie Etienne de Causans, Paris, France

Municipal Museum of Fine Arts, Luján, Buenos Aires

1989 Atenea Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

American Museum of Art, Maldonado, Uruguay. Presentation of the Book “Aesthetic Statements” by Delia Solari

Cantegrill Country Club, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Soudan Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Presentation of the Book “Aesthetic Statements”

1988 Museo Didáctico Artigüista, Maldonado, Uruguay

Atenea Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Banco Pan de Azúcar, Punta del Este, Uruguay

1987 Atenea Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Banco Pan de Azúcar, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Musée Saint Paul de Vence, Saint Paul de Vence, France

Banco del Exterior, Montevideo, Uruguay

1986 Atenea Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Ibiza Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Salao Auditorio Do Consulado Da República Argentina No Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Maldonado Information Center, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Ambasciata Della Republica Argentina, Roma, Italia

Soudan Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipality of San Lorenzo, Santa Fe, Argentina

Exhibition Center Palacio Municipal, Intendencia Municipal of Montevideo.

Sponsored by the Spanish Embassy and the Ministry of Culture of Uruguay

1985 Continental Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Museum of Fine Arts, Junín, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Museum of Modern Art, Mendoza, Argentina

Book Presentation and Exhibition Government of Montevideo, Uruguay (“Delia Solari” by César Magrini”)

“P. J. Bustos” Library, Junín, Mendoza, Argentina

Ibiza Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

1984 Museo Didáctico Artigüista, Maldonado, Uruguay, Sponsored by the Argentine Embassy

Moretti Gallery, Montevideo, Uruguay

Velázquez Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Organization of American States, OEA, Latin American Museum of Modern Art,

Washington D.C, USA

Ibiza Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

1983 -Ibiza Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

American Museum of Art, Maldonado, Uruguay

Caravelle Auditorium, Montevideo, Uruguay

1982 Cantegrill Country Club, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Ibiza Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Provincial Museum of Fine Arts “Dr. Pedro E. Martínez”, Paraná,

Entre Ríos, Argentina

Velázquez Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Maison de L’Amérique Latine, Paris, France, Sponsored by the Argentine Embassy

1981 Cantegrill Country Club Casino, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Ibiza Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

1980 Cantegrill Country Club Casino, Sponsored by the Argentine Embassy,

Punta del Este, Uruguay

Casa de la Cultura of San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Centro de Artes y Ciencias (Art and Science Center), Montevideo, Uruguay

La Farola Gallery, La Boca, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Velázquez Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Grupo Diseño Gallery, Martínez, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Ibiza Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

1979 Velázquez Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Ta Nisia Gallery, New York, USA

1978 Velázquez Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Centro de Artes y Ciencias (Art and Science Center), Montevideo, Uruguay

2011 – ARTEAMERICAS FAIR. Hoy Arte Hoy Gallery. Miami. U.S.A.

2010 – “ARTE LATINOAMERICANO DEL BICENTENARIO” With the Participation of the countries: Argentina, Chile y México. Invited Country: Brazil.  Centro Cultural Borges, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires. Argentina

2005 – Wort + Bild Galerie, Vienna. Austria. Sponsored by the Argentine Embassy.

7° Art International 2005-“Fair of Contemporary Art”. Zurich. Swiss

Biennale Internazionale Dell Arte Contemporanea. Citta de Firenze. Italy

2004 Alicia Brandy Gallery. Classic Art Fair. Palacio San Miguel, Buenos Aires, Argentina

American Art Museum, Argentine Week, Latinoamerican Artists Exhibition, Miami, Florida. U.S.A.

“Paper, Color and Music “, Honorable Chamber of Representants of the National Congress. Curator: María Growell. T.I.A.F. Metro Toronto Convention Center. Canada

-Gallery Nigth, La Recova Gallery, Show organized by “Arte al Día” Magazine, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1994 Municipality of Maldonado, Uruguay. Exhibition organized by Círculo Miró.

– Artiguista Museum. Maldonado, Uruguay

1993 Artiguista Museum. Group Exhibition. Maldonado, Uruguay

Círculo Miró. Group Exhibition. Montevideo, Uruguay

American Museum of Art Jorge Paez Vilaró. Artists of Rio de la Plata, Maldonado, Uruguay

1992 Círculo Miró “Women and Art”, Montevideo, Uruguay

1991 Artiguista Museum. Meeting 1991 organized by Círculo Miró, Maldonado, Uruguay

1990 Convention Center, Exhibition “Portraits and Self-Portraits”. Sponsored by Círculo Miró, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Argentine Embassy “Argentina for the World”, Khöln, Deutschland

La Fontana Gallery. First Exhibition: Plastic Artists from North Zone, Martinez, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Círculo Miró. Exhibition “Space and Form”. Montevideo, Uruguay

1989 Artiguista Museum. “Women Exhibition”, Maldonado, Uruguay

Faz Ferreira Salon. Exhibition “Space and Form”. Montevideo, Uruguay

Contemporary Gallery. Exhibition “Portraits and Self-Portraits”. Sponsored by the Argentine Embassy, Montevideo, Uruguay

1988 Municipal Center of Exhibitions. 1st. Salon of Rio de la Plata of Women in Art, Montevideo, Uruguay

Cultural Center “Las Malvinas”. Exhibition of Plastic Artists of San Isidro. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cultural Center “Las Malvinas”. Exhibition of Women in Argentine Plastic Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1987 Group Exhibition “Tribute to R. Magritte”. Montevideo, Uruguay

Cultural Centre “Las Malvinas”. Exhibition of Painters of San Isidro. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Casino Ferrolano, Pintores Argentinos en España. Gran Premio Reina Sofía

Galicia, España (Argentine Painters in Spain.Great Prize Reina Sofía. Galicia, Spain)

Spanish Club “Tribute to Juan Gris”. Sponsored by the Spanish Embassy and the Ministry of Culture of Uruguay, Uruguay

In Memorial. Exhibition organized by San Isidro Rotary Club. Buenos Aires, Argentina

1986 Galerie Anne Marie Rey, Nice, France

Delpha-Engraved Space: Small Formats, Paris, France.

Cultural Centre “Las Malvinas”. Plastic Artists of San Isidro. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipality of Vicente Lopez. Exhibition of Plastic Artists of San Isidro. Buenos Aires, Argentina

-Central Post Office. Exhibition of Graduates in Economic Sciences. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cultural Memorial Salon Exhibition, Argentina

Del Centenario Art Centre. Exhibition Contemporary Argentine Painting.

1985 Pan de Azúcar Bank, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Municipality of Lanús, “La Mujer en la Pintura” (“Women in Painting”), Buenos Aires, Argentina

Exhibition of Plastic Artists of San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Raggio Museum. Exhibition of Plastic Artists of San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Maldonado Municipality. Exhibition Image Center, Uruguay

Del Centenario Gallery, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipality of Lanús. Woman Salon, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Eduardo Sívori Museum. Exhibition-Donation for flood damaged people, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Maldonado Municipality. Spanish-American Exhibition, Uruguay

Uruguayan-Brazilian Cultural Institute. “Three South American Artists”, Montevideo, Uruguay

Central Post Office. Exhibition for Graduates in Economic Sciences. Buenos Aires, Argentina

1984 Centro de la Imágen (Image Center), Montevideo Uruguay

Esteban Echeverría Atheneum. “Artistas de la Zona Norte’84” (North Zone Artists ’84). San Fernando, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Tribute to Miró, Montevideo, Uruguay

Federal Investments Congress-Exhibition of Graduates in Economic Sciences, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Museum of Fine Arts, Junín, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1984 American Circle of Plastic Arts, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Caravelle Auditorium, Montevideo, Uruguay

Horizon ’85, Montevideo, Uruguay

1st. Exhibition of Plastic Artists of San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Biblioteca Popular de San Isidro (Popular Library of San Isidro), Buenos Aires, Argentina

Casa de la Cultura “Ocho Artistas Plásticas” (“Eight Plastic Artists”), San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1983 Velásquez Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina

-La Farola Gallery, La Boca, Buenos Aires, Argentina

La Azotea “Arte de Nuestro Tiempo” (“Art of OTR Time”), Punta del Este, Uruguay

Second Women’s Salon, Uruguay

Bank of Canada “II Exhibición de Artistas Plásticos-Egresados de Ciencias Económicas” (“II Exhibición of Plastic Arts-Graduates in Economic Sciences”), Buenos Aires, Argentina

Horizons’84, Montevideo, Uruguay

Del Buen Ayre Gallery, Martinez, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Praxis Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Caravelle Auditorium, Montevideo, Uruguay

1982 -First Exhibition of Plastic Art, Atlantic 1982

Exhibition “Tribute to Fernando Fader” Montevideo, Uruguay

Exhibition of the South American Women, Montevideo, Uruguay

Casa de la Cultura, Día de las Artes (“ADI Of. Arts”), San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Exhibición “Valores del Arte Rioplatense”, Montevideo, Uruguay

Exhibition at College de Avocados (Lawyers Association), Buenos Aires, Argentina

Saint John’s Foundation, Martinez, Buenos Aires, Argentina

La Farola Gallery, La Boca, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Velásquez Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1981 Nacional Back, Asunción, Paraguay

Faz Ferreira Salón, Montevideo, Uruguay

Velásquez Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina

La Farola Gallery, La Boca, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1980 Única Gallery, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Anterational Congress of Education, Montevideo, Uruguay

Salta Hotel, Salta, Argentina

La Farola Gallery, La Boca, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Centro de Arts y Cadencies (Art and Science Center), Montevideo, Uruguay

1979 Zepia Gallery, Asunción, Paraguay

Del Buen Ayre Gallery, Martínez, Buenos Aires, Argentina

2005 Art-Guión XXI: Career Award, Rómulo Raggio Museum, Buenos Aires, Argentina

2002 Women’s Salon, Plastic Artists of San Isidro (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

1994 Women Salon, Plastic Artists of San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1993 X Painting Salon, Plastic Artists of San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Painting Salon, Municipality of Lanús, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1992 Annual Salon ’92 Plastic Artists of San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Salon San Telmo Cultural Center Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Salon Otoño, Cultural Atheneum San Fernando, Buenos Aires, Argentina

XXII Municipal Salón of Lanús, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Plastic Arts Salon “Fernán Félix Amador”, Municipality of Vicente Lopez, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipal Salon of San Lorenzo, Santa Fe, Argentina

Small Format Salon, “Tribute to Julio Giustozzi” organized by Andreani, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1991 LXXX National Salon of Plastic Arts, Buenos Aires, Argentina

I Provincial Salon of Plastic Arts, Municipality of Zárate, Buenos Aires, Argentina

LXVII Annual Salon of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Argentina

II Plastic Arts Salon, Medical Union of Lanus and Femeba Salud, Buenos Aires, Argentina

XXI Painting Salon, Municipality of Lanús, Buenos Aires, Argentina

National Salon of Plastic Arts, Municipality of Azul, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Women Salon, People of Arts of Avellaneda Association, Buenos Aires, Argentina

IV Plastic Artists Association Salon, organized by C.O.A.P, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1990 Inter-municipal Salon of San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Annual Salon of Plastic Artists of San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

XXI Municipal Salon of Painting, Municipality of Lanús, Buenos Aires, Argentina

-IV National Salon of Plastic Arts, Municipality of San Lorenzo, Santa Fe, Argentina

National Salon of Plastic Arts, Municipality of Azul, Buenos Aires, Argentina

XII Painting Salon “Fernán Félix Amador”, Municipality of Luján, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipal Salon of Lanús “Women in Plastics”, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1989 Fine Arts Museum of Luján, Plastic Arts Salon “Fernán Félix Amador”, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cultural Athenaeum of San Fernando Salon, Buenos Aires, Argentina

IV Painting and Engraving Salon, organized by the magazine “Actualidad en el Arte”, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Salon organized by the Municipality of Luján, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1988 Plastic Art Salon of the magazine “Actualidad en el Arte”

Cultural Athenaeum of San Fernando Salon, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Annual Salon of Plastic Artists of San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipal Salon of Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, Argentina

National Salon of Plastic Arts of Azul, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1987 A.L.A.P -Latin-American Association of Plastic Artists- Salon Apertura

Cultural Atheneum San Fernando Salon, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Universitary Salon, University of Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Tribute to France, Cultural Centre “Las Malvinas”, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Fine Arts Museum of Luján, Drawing, Engraving and Monocopy, Buenos Aires, Argentina

III National Salon of Plastic and Graphic Arts, San Lorenzo, Argentina

Plastic Artists of San Isidro Salon, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Plastic Arts Salon “Fernán Félix Amador”, Municipality of Vicente Lopez, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Illustrated Poem Salon, Shelton Hotel, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Salon Primavera, organized by A.L.A.P, Latin-American Association of Plastic Artists, in Automóvil Club Argentino, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipality of Moreno Salon, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipality of San Martín Salon, House of Culture, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Plastic Arts Salon “Fernán Félix Amador”, Fine Arts Museum of Luján, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Provincial Museum of Rauch, Municipal Salon, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Gran Premio Reina Sofía Salon of Argentine Painters in Spain

Gran Concurso Tema La Esperanza (Great Contest Salon Subject The Hope), organized by Magazine ‘Familia Cristiana’, Argentina

Provincial Museum of Fine Arts, IV Triennial Painting Salon of the Province of Buenos Aires, La Plata, Argentina

I Major Art Salon of Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1986 Salon Otoño of S.A.A.P, Argentine Society of Plastic Artists, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Salon Invierno of S.A.A.P, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Salon of Santa Fe, Argentina

Salon A.L.A.P, Latin-American Association of Plastic Artists, Shelton Hotel, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cultural Atheneum San Fernando Salon, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Universitary Salon, organized by A.L.A.P, Latin-American Association of Plastic Artists, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Plastic Arts Salon “Fernán Félix Amador”, Municipality of Vicente Lopez, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipality of San Lorenzo Salon, Santa Fe, Argentina

2nd. Salon “Pintura en la Actualidad en el Arte”, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipality of Almirante Brown, Esteban Adrogué Salon. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipality of Tres de Febrero Salon, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Plastic Arts Salon “Fernán Félix Amador”, Fine Arts Museum of Luján, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipality of San Martín Salon, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipality of Lanús, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipality of Moreno Salon, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Salon organized by D.O.T.A.L.

1985 Image Center, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Salon Del Plata, Punta del Este, Uruguay

Salon Apertura, Organized by S.A.A.P. Argentine Society of Plastic Artists. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Salon Otoño, Organized by S.A.A.P. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cultural Atheneum of San Fernando Salon, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipal Salon of San Lorenzo, Argentina

Intermunicipal Salon of San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Salon of Avellaneda, Buenos Aires

Museum of Fine Arts, Luján. Illustrated Poems Salon, Argentina

Latin-American Plastic Artists Salon

Salon Alianza Francesa, Azul, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Salon Primavera, organized by S.A.A.P. Buenos Aires

Bank of Values, Salon Del Centro. Organized by the Latin-American Association of Plastic Artists (A.L.A.P.)

II Salon America. Shelton Hotel. A.L.A.P.

Salon 1985, Givré Foundation

II National Salon of Plastic Arts, Azul, Buenos Aires, Argentina

II Annual Salon 1985, Engraving Section, Plastic Artists of San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

National Salon, Municipality of Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Museum of Fine Arts Luján Salon, Buenos Aires, Argentina

First Painting Open Salon 1985, Buenos Aires, Argentina

XCI National Salon of Plastic Arts, Azul, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1984 Salon Otoño of the Argentine Society of Plastic Artists (S.A.A.P.)

Cultural Atheneum of San Fernando Salon, Buenos Aires, Argentina

VII Art Salon, Municipality of Campana, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Salon Primavera, organized by S.A.A.P. Argentine Society of Plastic Artists

Municipality of Arroyo Seco “Salon on Paraná River”, Argentina

First Annual Salon 1984. Plastic Artists of San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Museum of Fine Arts, Luján. Illustrated Poems Salon, Argentina

Triennial Salon. Secretary of Culture. Direction of Fine Arts of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1983 Salon of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Argentina

Salon of San Fernando, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Award Cultural Circuit of Buenos Aires Suburbs, Argentina

Salon Alianza Francesa, Azul, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Salon Marinista, Buenos Aires, Argentina

X Annual Plastic Arts Salon, Moreno, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipal Salon of Lanús, Buenos Aires, Argentina

National University of Patagonia, San Juan Bosco, Argentina

Plastic Arts Salon, Municipality of Tigre

1982 Cultural Atheneum of San Fernando Salon, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipality of Lanus, Circuito Cultural Soberanía Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Plastic Arts Salon “Fernán Félix Amador”, Municipality of Vicente López, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Salon Marinistas, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Museum of Fine Arts from Luján. Salon “Fernán Félix Amador”, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1981 I Fall Salon, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Plastic Arts Salon “Fernán Félix Amador”, Municipality of Lujan, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Contest Casa de la Cultura de San Isidro-“205 Aniversario de la Fundación de la Capellanía de su Santo Patrono” October 14th. 1706-1981, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipal Salon of Lanus, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipal Salon of Moreno, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Municipality of Tigre -Cultural Circuit of Great Buenos Aires, Argentina.

1980 Cultural Atheneum San Fernando Salon, Buenos Aires, Argentina Villa Constitución Salon, Santa Fe, Argentina

Plastic Arts Salon “Fernán Félix Amador”-“Spring 1980”, Municipality of Vicente Lopez, Buenos Aires, Argentina

III Annual Salon of Plastic Arts. Municipality of General Sarmiento, Buenos Aires, Argentina

I Regional Salon of Plastic Arts. Cultural Circuit of Buenos Aires Suburbs, Buenos Aires, Argentina

I Municipal Salon of Plastic Arts of Tigre. Buenos Aires, Argentina

1979 Museum of Fine Arts, Lujan. II Regional Salon “Fernán Félix Amador”, Buenos Aires, Argentina

XXV Annual Salon of Marinistas, Buenos Aires, Argentina

National Centenary Salon. Contest. General Roca, Río Negro, Argentina

1978 Award Isidro Ricardo Steimberg

1977 Plastic Arts Salon “Fernán Félix Amador”, Municipality of Vicente López, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1975 Plastic Arts Salon “Fernán Félix Amador”, Municipality of Vicente López, Buenos Aires, Argentina

1974 Plastic Arts Salon “Fernán Félix Amador”, Municipality of Vicente López, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Delia Solari - Exposición
Exposición Delia Solari
Exposición - Delia Solari